Author Archives: Craig

Lessons From Our Fathers »

Posted on March 13, 2011
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Fly Fishing! »

Posted on March 13, 2011
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Educational Adventures »

Posted on March 13, 2011

This past week, I had the privilege of hearing and speaking with Rick Lavoie,  author and international lecturer. He ( is one of America’s foremost education experts.  In speaking with him after his lecture on motivation, Rick recalled talking to a teacher about how her curriculum for any given day should be viewed as a compass, rather than a road map.  That is, you start with a general direction for the day, but leave yourself open to detours and pulling over to the side of the road to explore the ideas and interests of her students.

Naturally, I couldn’t help but think of AdentureDad.  Rick captured the essence of what adventures with your kids should be.  Start with a direction you want to go, do some preparation and then head out.  True adventures rarely have every detail mapped out and followed exactly.  On our trip to Alaska several years ago, Alex and I had planned on taking the last ferry back to Homer where we were planning on driving north.  Our hike took us many directions that day and we missed the boat taxi by an hour.

 Heading back to the previous night’s campsite, we ran into a family who was hiking down to their boat.  They invited us along for the ride back.  As we chatted, the joy of meeting this family of nine (children ages 5-30), took hold and we watched the sunset late into the night, talking on their now docked boat and sipping some Alaskan home brew.  Our drive back north could wait another day as the experience of that moment, with these wonderful people, was the essence of why we were in Alaska; to become lost in our environment and the lives of those we came across.

 As our family now looks to expand through adoption, I couldn’t help but think of my discussion with that family as I shared my dream, but also my worries about being a much older dad and having siblings so far apart.  With joy in their faces, they reminded me that age doesn’t matter nearly as much as a youthful spirit, a dedication to adventure, and the love for each other.  A little girl may join us soon, in part, because we pulled over from our road map for a couple of hours.

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A Vehicle Buying Adventure »

Posted on March 14, 2011

There are many experiences in life that gives a child/teen a sense of freedom and increases the adventures available to them.  Think about the thrill that comes with your first bike, as the wind whips through your hair (pre helmet days!).  As the child becomes a teen, nothing symbolizes freedom like a driver’s license.  Independence is the new norm as teens begin to experience the freedom and responsibility of driving.  I can remember being so proud as I watched Alex get his license photo taken the day after his 16th birthday.  This past weekend, a year and a half later, I got to watch and participate in Alex’s buying his first vehicle, a truck.

The shopping and buying experience was another unique adventure for us and I got to feel like a needed dad and proud observer of independence at the same time.  There were some great lessons here including his hours of research and fact finding (Carfax is great).  Equally important was tempering the urge to jump at the first one to come along and push a little further in one’s search as we leaned on friends whose experiences could guide us.  Also were the economic implications of working hard and saving money, deciding on a loan amount which he could handle, the reality of taxes and one’s first inspiration to have a political voice, and gas prices that were rising with each Google search.  Ultimately, the desire to have a monster truck overruled the realities of future oil prices, and a deal was negotiated with the car dealership.

As a dad, whose daily role of guidance and education is reduced with each passing day, the actual day of the car buying experience gave me a recollection of days past.  I got to feel knowledgeable again in the details of shopping, what traps to avoid, and the process of negotiating and playing one’s cards right.  In the end, I believe the three parties Alex, myself, and the dealer all felt satisfied.  As you’ll see in the video, it’s possible that the salesmen had as much fun as we did!

Given that it’s one big truck, we are expecting to have many great adventures with it.  We will definitely be getting our “Groove” on as we load up and head out!

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A Father-Son Rite of Passage Opportunity »

Posted on February 21, 2011

5 Night Father-Son Adventures in Australia

 Not every successful man is a good father. But every good father is a successful man. (R. Duvall)

 Darren Lewis of Fathering Adventures facilitates 5 Night Father-Son Adventures in Australia, and provides ongoing coaching for Dads who desire to be deliberate, engaged, intentional, and strategic in their significant role as fathers to their children.

 The 5 Night Father-Son Adventures have a 2-fold purpose…

  1. To strengthen the father-son relationship, and to educate, equip, and enable Dads so that their experience is not just limited to a 5 Night adventure.
  2. To provide a path, a way, a masculine journey, a rite-of-passage into authentic manhood, which has been lost since the onset of the Industrial Revolution.

The 5 Night Father-Son Adventures feature full-day, professionally-guided outdoor adventures, such as white-water rafting, dual sea kayaking, snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, and hiking. Each evening features a multimedia presentation which provides training and instruction in the way of authentic manhood… speaking into matters such as what is a real man, how does a real man act, and how does a real man treats and relates to a woman etc.


Here’s what one Dad from Arkansas had to say…

Men, if you are looking for a concentrated time with your son to build character and a vision of what a man is, and maybe craft your own vision for what it means yourself, consider Father Adventures.  It may be the greatest investment you make in your sons life and your relationship.

If you have a son aged 13 and up… there’s no maximum age limit, and it’s never too late… then bring him along to a 5 Night Father-Son Adventure with us and other father-son pairs from around the world. Register your interest at .



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Teens’ Emotional Needs »

Posted on February 6, 2011

If you’ve read A Father and Son Bond Down Under (/, you were treated to a dad who knew his son needed emotional support and a change in his thinking.  The need to accomplish and conquer is pretty much hard wired into males and the young teen it particularly vulnerable to feeling like a failure.  Fortunately for Isaac, Darren was there to sense the moment and teach his son a really important lesson.  Success and failure isn’t about reaching the goal, it’s about pushing past your fears and giving it a try.  When counseling young teen males who are struggling with working up the courage to ask a girl out, I remind them to focus on the ask and not the response (i.e.: their fear of rejection).  You are successful if you ask, an affirmative response is just icing on the cake.  If you don’t ask, there is no way you will ever get a “yes”!

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“It’s that way Lewis!” »

Posted on March 13, 2011

This contest has two pictures to help you guess.  The first, was taken at the start of our 17 mile hike and was inspired by our driving the entire Lewis and Clark trail.  While this location was much further North, the second pic will show you our destination that specific day.  While there are many specific locations this could be, all we need is an approximate guess to where we called Home that sunny evening. 

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Opening Ceremony: The 2002 Olympic Games »

Posted on March 13, 2011

Congratulations to Austin of Golden Colorado!  He nailed Salt Lake and the event.  Your $50 gift card will be on its way!

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14 Hours of Darkness (AKA Winter Camping)! »

Posted on February 6, 2011

During the past holiday season, Alex and I took off on our annual winter camping trip.  Unfortunately, our friends LC and Austin were unable to make it this year so we were on our own.  In addition, this year, Alex wanted to camp at a higher elevation as well as sleep under a tarp rather than inside our 4 season tent.  As you’ll see in the video, it was spartan and cold.  Most difficult however, was the fourteen hours of darkness where the only activity is trying to stay warm.  We hope you enjoy!

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A Father and Son Bond Down Under »

Posted on February 6, 2011

Isaac’s “Invitation into a Community of Men” Weekend

 It was early Saturday morning December 11, 2010, and I had organised 5 other men to join me… to call my second son Isaac (14 years of age) out of the world of boys & women, and call him into a community of men, as I had done for his older brother 3 years earlier. This was to be just one of the numerous moments Isaac will experience during his 2-year long vision quest, which commenced on his 13th birthday, and will conclude on his 15th birthday with a final ceremony and celebration. It’s his rite-of-passage… the years set apart for him to transition out of the stage of boyhood, and initiated into young manhood.

 I had planned a weekend away for us all… a weekend of adventure (rappelling and fishing)… a weekend of masculinity bestowing masculinity.

When it came time to suit up our harnesses for our rappelling adventure… it was evident that Isaac was nervous. To say that he’s not fond of heights is an understatement. But he wanted to go over the edge and down the cliff nonetheless. And so he began. He pushed through his fears, and went over the edge… maybe 1 to 2 metres down the vertical rock-face, before telling our guides he wanted to climb back up to the top, and not continue downward.

Even though he had navigated through the scariest part of any rappelling experience (going over the edge), I knew as his father, I was needed at that moment, to speak against all of the waves of accusation that would come against him. And that’s exactly what was going on within him. He was ashamed that he had not completed the adventure. He wept openly, and referred to himself as a failure. That’s when I spoke truth into him… that he was not a failure… that despite his fear of heights, he went over the edge.

 After I had helped him to calm down, I asked him if he’d like me to buy him a Coke. He said that he didn’t deserve it, and so in I went again… to play my part as his Dad… to rescue him, to guard his heart, to speak against the lies with truth. It was beautiful.

 I wonder how things would have been had I not been there to interpret what he thought was failing?


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