Carve It Up!

Posted on October 29, 2010

One of the classic family traditions involves the fall harvest and Halloween festivities.  Of these, going to the store or the farmer’s field to pick out pumpkins is a child favorite.  I have great memories of my Dad taking his 5 kids to pick out the perfect one.  Alex and I have had the fortune of going to the same farm for the past 17 years to pick in the fields for our home and for a charity program we run. 

For carving, here are a few tips we’ve picked up along the way to make it a little easier and fun.  We’ve also attached a video sent in by Nathaniel and his son Devon.  This flaming pumpkin goes into the very cool category for pumpkin adventures.  He wrote in that his secret is a roll of toilet paper and kerosene. I’d make sure your homeowner’s policy is up to date!

  • For bigger cuts, use a drywall saw.  It cuts right through and is safer than gutting with a big kitchen knife.
  • We like to thin out the inside by scrapping some of the meat out with a sturdy spoon or ice cream scoop.  This helps with making more detailed patterns.
  • There are great carving kits out there that make the finer cuts a whole lot easier.  They also come with a variety of templates for carving and an assortment of designs.  Just pin it on and punch holes with a pin through the pattern.  If you make a mistake and cut something off, toothpicks work great for reattaching parts.
  • For more unique designs, you can make a pattern out of just about any design or picture.  Just photocopy it and pin it on.  Our favorite designs have been sports logos and mountain scenes.  Not to mention a great Darth Maul several years ago. 
  • For eyes and stars, try drilling a small hole in your pumpkin and putting a marble in it.  The candle will send light through it for glowing effects.
  • Once finished, try coating the inside cuts with Vaseline if you live in a dryer climate.  This will help your design last for several days.

For costume adventures, it’s a whole lot of fun to do a theme with your kids and march around the school parade or neighborhood.


Posted in Tips and Gadgets

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