Several months ago, my wife and I started down the road for adopting a sweet young pre-school girl. Our time with her increased with the frequency of our visits resulting in a play date in her territory this past week. What a great opportunity for adventure time.
We quickly went through books, dolls and the latest electronic toys for young ones. Eventually, we settled into a delightful adventure of the dressed up princess being held captive by the evil rubber snake. Dressed in my terra for a crown and yellow plastic bat for a sword, the King jumped into action to save his princess daughter and return her to her castle. Fortunately for the snake, he was changed into a worm with her magic wand and moved to the castle with her.
What a warm, tender and fun adventure in our path of bonding together. Sadly, we learned several days ago that the adoption process will not take place. Through my sadness, I’ve held onto that adventure and the joy of being King for one day. It’s a memory I will cherish. More importantly, it’s a lesson for all dads. Take time for adventures with your kids today. Then hold onto the memories of those moments as if they could be your last.
Shalom McKenna