Over the years, Alex and I have been privileged to experience some amazing sporting events. The Opening Ceremony of the Salt Lake Olympics however, ranks at the top for emotional intensity. From the thrill of seeing America’s past athletes, to the joy of seeing young athletes from around the world march onto the stage. Each aspect of the ceremony was filled with meaning and significance. The United States was a country in mourning after 9/11 and needed an emotional boost. On our home soil, we screamed with joy as the 1980 US Hockey team lit the torch. From the soil of the World Trade Center site, not an eye remained dry as New York’s finest fireman and police officers marched out with the Trade Center American flag; a moment which will live in our hearts forever.
We hope you enjoy the ceremony as well as the events which follow. Going to the Winter Olympics means 16 hours a day of clothes prep, travel, and waiting in line for security. Our four days were packed with activity but also packed with great memories.